Most people of a certain age have a specific way of doing things. With life experience comes the wisdom of knowing the things you can do yourself vs. the things you should hire someone else to do.

On top of that, chances are you also have a specific list of the people you like to use for the things you can’t do yourself.

You have a family doctor on hand to see you and your kids when someone gets sick, a dentist to do your bi-annual checkups, and an accountant who does your taxes every year. These aren’t professionals you interact with on a daily basis, but they are people you have a relationship with.

The longer you work with the same people, the more you feel like they know you, and the better they can anticipate your needs and serve you better.

So why is it that the same people who wouldn’t dream of going to a different mechanic will switch real estate agents almost as often as they change their socks?

What are the reasons for this? And should you consider adding a real estate agent to your list of trusted professionals?

Keep reading to find out.

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Why Bother With an Agent at All?

Technically speaking, you don’t need a real estate agent. There’s no law saying that you can’t handle the sale or purchase of a house yourself. You could even hire a friend or relative if they just so happen to be a real estate agent.

Why stop there, do you even need a professional for anything at all? Why see a doctor when you can type your symptoms into a search engine and discover what rare disease you may, or may not have?

Does that sound a little ridiculous to you? It should! Although people are using technology for a variety of things nowadays, there’s no substitute for the opinion of a professional.

Real estate is a fast-changing industry, and both residential and commercial transactions are complicated. Maybe not quite as complex as medicine, but a lot can go wrong if you don’t have access to an experienced professional who has handled every situation in the real world.

Get more homebuying tips and resources right here:

Reasons to Keep Your Agent For Years and Years

Real estate agents do not work on a retainer. They only get paid in the form of commission on your actual sale or purchase. For most people, this happens only a few times in their life. But the value of keeping a real estate agent in your rolodex comes from the advice they provide when you’re between transactions.

Your real estate agent knows you and your family. They know your business, and they know what your long-term and short-term goals are. They’re looking out for you, even when you don’t think they are.

Trusting the same real estate agent for many years and through multiple transactions means you have a partner who shares your vision for the future and has the skill and experience to make your dreams a reality.

You can’t do this if you’re constantly jumping from one agent to another.

Looking for some tips for a successful purchase in Toronto? Download our buyer’s guide right here.

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Does Who You Work With Matter?

Would you prefer to achieve the best results where you are happy and satisfied while enjoying a positive and seamless transaction? Then your best bet is to have a longstanding relationship with a skilled real estate agent you can trust.

The operative words here are “skilled” and “who you can trust.” This opens up an entirely new can of worms. Who should you pick to represent you through thick and thin?

When searching for a physician, you may not have a choice but to pick someone in your area. But with a real estate agent, you have options. It’s just that the task of knowing who and what to look for can seem overwhelming. There are nearly 100,000 of us in Ontario alone, at all levels of skills and experience.

Tips to Narrow It Down

A great place to start is to build a list of criteria that you want and need from your agent. For example:

  • Do you want an agent who communicates by text/email or are you more comfortable with in-person meetings?
  • Are you buying or selling a residential property or commercial property?
  • Are you new to the buying process and want someone to walk you through it step-by-step?
  • Do you prefer to be hands-off and work with an agent who can take care of everything without you needing to lift a finger?

Once you have an idea of the traits and qualifications that matter to you, you can refine your search and find an agent who fits the bill.

Are you planning to sell your home in the near future? Check out some of our selling resources right here:

The Classic Dilemma

Making a wishlist of traits to seek in a real estate agent is a good start, but sometimes real life can get in the way. For example, what if you find an agent you’d like to work with but they are way too busy for you? They check every other box, but when things get busy, they ghost you completely.

In that case, a new and inexperienced agent may be happy to answer your calls quickly, but not have the ability to navigate an exceedingly challenging market.

This is precisely why I have dedicated myself to providing clients with that rare combination of skills and superior service.

Through intense training and years of experience, I have developed the ability to achieve optimal results in any market conditions. As someone who has been painfully disappointed by other professionals in the past, I am committed to being the real estate agent I wish I had (before I became one).

Do you want to know more about OG Realty Group and how we help clients? Get to know our team here.

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The Value of Real Estate Relationships

Why shouldn’t you change your real estate agent with every new transaction? When you think of how much time and research it takes to find someone in the first place, it makes sense to stick with them – unless you’ve had a terrible experience, of course!

By working with the same real estate agent through multiple transactions, they get to know your goals on a more intimate level. The first sale or purchase involves a level of questioning that may feel like an interrogation. But it’s all necessary to make sure we are checking off all of your boxes.

The longer we work together, the more I get to know what a client wants – sometimes even before they do!

Each transaction becomes more streamlined and successful than the last. In our modern world, where families tend to relocate often, this elevated level of service is invaluable.

Do you have questions about residential or commercial real estate in the GTA? Get in touch directly by emailing or calling 647.620.2882.

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